Our Year 4 Students

Our Year 4 Students

Monday, 30 June 2014

Week 10 Homework

Monday and Tuesday Night

Please bring home any work Mrs Caielli incidently sent home last week...

Religion - Work on your Eucharist Infographic. Show your parents the infographic website and your learning.

English - work on your ebook

Maths - iMaths
Maths - Online Game
Log on to our new iMaths class account - click here.
Type in the student code then828 
Go to Games
In the Number Charge click on 12. 2 digit x 1 digit multiplication 

Personal Goals - Learning
Discuss with your parents your weekly learning goal. Talk about the strategies you could use to help you achieve your goal and make it a habit that you always do. How are you going so far?

Social Skill - discuss with your parents the Social Skill of "Encouraging Others - No Put Downs". Talk about our class Y chart on this social skill.  See last week's post for our Y chart.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Homework Week 9


Monday - How Words Sound
Tuesday - How Words Look
Wednesday - How Words Change Form
Thursday - Where Words Come From.

Please make sure you are completing all the activities from our Spelling Blog.
Click here to go the blog

Reading for Monday and Tuesday Night.
Read at least two of these books from RAZ kids. See the photo below.
Ready for our Visualising activity.
Visualising Task (in class only) - create something (using traditional art tools or your Macbook) that shows the movie/images in your mind from one of these books while you were reading it.
You will need to also write the sentence or paragraph or page/s in the book that inspired this for you.
Remember you will probably also be using the reading strategies of  Prior knowledge and Making Connections.

Teach your parents
Multiplication Arithmagons - that we did today in Maths. Remember to show them the square root pattern. 

Maths - Online Game
Log on to our new iMaths class account - click here.
Type in the student code then828 
Go to Games
In the Number Charge click on 5. Multiplication to 10

Challenge yourself with these times tables activities. Make sure you are working from the times tables that you are still learning. Play for 10-15 each night this week. Click on this link.

Personal Goals - Learning
Discuss with your parents your weekly learning goal. Talk about the strategies you could use to help you achieve your goal and make it a habit that you always do. How are you going so far?

Social Skill - discuss with your parents the Social Skill of "Encouraging Others - No Put Downs". Talk about our class Y chart on this social skill.  See last week's post for our Y chart.